I Dare You To Be Bold: 9 Months Post Leaving My Job

Top Washington, D.C. Blogger
Shirt from FaithfullyThere

9 months! NINE WHOLE MONTHS! This journey of entrepreneurship has been one big continuing testimony. My last day on my 9-5 job was on January 12, 2017 and if you asked me then, by now I should be a six figure business owner. But that reality is so far from the truth. I knew that God called me out of my job. That was clear to me. But I guess my exact assignment wasn’t as plain! If God had told me, I would be at the feet of Jesus everyday begging for redemption, I would have never left. But of course, he always has something better in store for us, beyond what we could ever imagine. I’m in awe everyday of his amazing grace on my husband’s life and mine. I forgot to mention, that my husband left his job a month before I did! (Yes I know, crazy! We are trying to be like father Abraham from the bible! He just led his family wherever God led him).

TOP DC Blogger

Now, like most people, my husband and I have a mortgage, two car notes, student loans, regular necessity bills, and we also have to eat. Before leaping, we did strip down to the bare minimum, but even still, it takes thousands to run our household. So what has happened you ask???

Welp we haven’t missed a mortgage! And I can honestly say that we have not yet made enough money to sustain our household on a monthly basis! So how have we been making it???

I am witnessing God on a level that I’d never knew even existed! You go through life knowing that he’s a Great God! All Powerful, All Knowing etc etc. You’ve read of his mighty works throughout the bible and human history. But when it comes to your life, those type of miraculous stories sometimes seem poetic, or merely just a good story! But when those stories become reality for your life, the way you see God changes. Your faith, changes. Your prayers, change. How you see impossible circumstances, change! One of the biggest lessons I’ve learned on this journey is that there are different sides of God. And the only way to truly experience a certain side of God, in all its glory, such as God the Provider, you MUST strip yourself of ALL self-reliance in that particular area.

I’m getting teary-eyed just thinking about how sweet, and marvelous he is! I think back to around February/March of this year when our bank account said zero dollars and zero cents! I didn’t panic, instead I got on my knees and declared everything that the Lord said was mine, renounced everything that he said wasn’t my portion, and decreed heavens resources over our household. The very next day there was $500 in my Venmo account from a friend, and it said “Seed Money”. I called my friend, and asked her did she make a mistake??? She said “No, the Lord woke her up and told her to send me $500. And that her husband agreed that he felt a similar nudge.” I literally spent the entire day singing and crying! They had no idea we were down to nothing! Ever since then the random checks just keep coming. Month after month, some company miraculously owes us money or we overpaid on a bill and we get sent like a years worth of the difference in a check…and the list goes on. (Side Note: Pray for miraculous checks in the mail lol)

As far as our businesses go, he’s blessing us there too, but he’s been very clear where our provision lies. Because of this journey my faith in the impossible is so big, sometimes I forget how ridiculous I sound to some people. Whoever this is for, I want to tell you to not give up on prayer, to not give up on your faith, and definitely to not to give up on God! He’s faithfully there ready to step in and do what he does best. Our job is to remain faithful that he will come through (that’s a major key) and continue to pray (another major key). John 15:7 Jesus said “But if you remain in me and my words remain in you, you may ask for anything you want, and it will be granted!” So this quarter I dare you to remain in Christ, ask for the impossible and see what God does! Also, finish the year strong. Don’t walk into the new year with the same new years resolution you had at the top of 2017. Push yourself in this last quarter to really check some major things off your list. Remember the Lord has already equipped you to do the great things he’s called you to do!

Comment down below of things you know deep in your heart God has called you to do, but you’re just a little scared. Let’s pray and encourage each other together!

Be Blessed! Remain Blessed!!

xoxo, Rashida

Disclaimer: Please DO NOT tell your boss, that you’re quitting, to go follow Jesus! Lol Only do what the Lord has called you to do! I guess I should make a post about how I confidently knew that God called me out of my job. Again, please do not forward this blog post to your boss, and say it’s your last day! lol

Photographer: Antwon Maxwell

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  1. LOVE LOVE LOVE this post, Rashida. Thank you for your transparency, vulnerability and steadfast FAITH. I accept the challenge to remain in Christ, ask for the impossible and see what God does. I look forward to sharing in your journey as a reader.

    1. Thank you for your kind words Tennille! Accepting the challenge will definitely change your life. Expect Increase in all areas of your life!

  2. Oh Rashida!!! Thank you so much for this. You and the Lord are definitely speaking to me here in South America. I’ve been back and forth on quitting my job too; I have my husband’s support but every time I decide this is the month something pops up and I feel that it would not be wise. But it’s been five months too long of undecidedness. This is my sign.
    PS: I love your spirit, your style, and your work.

    1. Hi Angela all the way from South America! With your husband’s support you are definitely well on your way. Don’t allow the enemy to keep you in a position where God has told you to move from. Faith is denying what your natural and earthly circumstances say, in exchange for what God says. It’s not going to make sense, and this is where your faith is tested. Your Heavenly Father knows what you need before you even ask. Read the story of Abraham and Take the leap! Many Blessings to you hun!

  3. Just wanted to tell you reading this was really inspirational. I watched you turn from a teen to a woman and im happy to see how far you have come- I haven’t stepped out on faith like i should to achieve my goals. I know FOR AN FACT are in Gods will- won’t call it fear cause im not afraid. I really believe i allowed life & its struggles to affect my trust in people & in certain PROCESSES pertaining to business- This was a great reminder of why its important to obey that call…… Be Bless sis Russ

    1. Russell! Hey Brother!! If you know it’s his Will, take the leap no matter what ppl or business processes say. God is the creator of ALL things. He can change business processes and ppl for YOUR good. Romans 8:28 All things work together for the good of those who love the Lord and are called according to his purpose. That scripture says ALL THINGS. That’s literally everything happening right now, is working together for your good. Not just the things that happen in your life, but every single person, every single event, every single business, every single entity, every single word spoken, etc is working together for YOUR GOOD. I throw that scripture on everything. lol Can’t wait to see the marvelous things that will happen in your life!

  4. Wow this is so encouraging.Obeying God and trusting Him with everything is BOLD.I pray I get there some day.Stay blessed beautiful

    1. Thank you! I’ve definitely had my ups and down moments, but I’m still here. You are definitely getting closer to that day. Just pray that when the time comes, he gives you the courage! Be blessed as well!!

  5. God is so faithful !!!! Thank you sharing and inspiring others. Learning to obey and trust God is truly a lesson we will all live and learn. Thank you for sharing !

    1. Tatiana thank you! He definitely is faithful. You’re right obeying and trusting is a daily goal we should all be pushing toward! Be blessed hun

  6. Rashida, this testimony couldn’t have come at a better time, I stepped out on faith and left my job a year ago because God told me it was time. Your transparency and your faith even when down to your last but yet you still trusted God makes me realize nothing is in vain and just when I want to give up I remember His promise to me that He is faithful. Thank you for sharing!

    1. Shannan! Congrats on stepping out on faith and obeying God! That’s so huge, and I completely understand where you are. Sometimes I look back and can’t believe it. lol Like OMG I really did it and there’s no going back. I pray that he ANNOUNCES you to whatever industry you’re apart of, and that he brings you before the masses!! Be blessed hun!

  7. Hi Rashida all honor to ABBA. thanks for the reminder of how awesome our Father is and has always been. Continued success for you and your family. What a powerful testimony

    1. Yes all the glory to Abba our Father! Thank you for your blessing to me and my family! An abundance of blessings to you as well!

  8. Thank you so much for sharing Rashida! I got misty eyed just at the sheer magnitude of His grace and mercy from your testimony. He is willing and able as long as we are willing to take action towards our goals. Hubby and I are building up our mutiple businesses so we can be free of the 9-5 to a company one day. We know being entrepreneurs is 24-7 but the potential is what you make it. He says we need “all oars in the water” when it comes to the businesses before the year ends. I too have a fear of stepping out into the unknown especially because we have two kids. But we want to show the kids that it can be done, work you ate passionate about and giving back to the community. Congrats again on all of your success! You, Sommar, Candace and others are such inspiration to me. Sharing your journey lets me know we are not alone. Bless you and the family’s continued success!…April (IG: applemacg)

  9. This is sooo timely for me to read so I know God directed me to your post. I too have been feeling God tugging me to leave the 9-5 life and trust Him with a new lifestyle and walk in my purpose. It’s scary because I am such a control freak and I know this will literally require me to release control and trust Him with every step. Thank you for sharing your journey and for your encouragement. I will pray for the impossible!

  10. When I say this word is right on time!! It’s like it was meant for me to discover your blog! Thank you so much for sharing your story and blessing me this morning. I pray that God continues to deliver his promises over your life. The rest of this year I want to focus on really building my brand and artistry. I feel that God has revealed my purpose and it is up to me to continue to do the work. It has been a real struggle but I feel like the struggle is temporary.

  11. Hi Rashida…blessings to you and your family…
    This is sooo awesome to hear your testimony. I know t his is only the beginning of what God is going to do through you and your husband. I know one day this too shall be me. I will need to pray more and allow the Holy Spirit to provide some instructions. Thanks for sharing.
    I declare and decree no lack in your house and that you will prosper, be in health, even as your soul prospers (3rd John 2) in Jesus name.

    Peace and Blessings,

  12. Hey Rashida! My friend Candace recommended your blog to me and your
    post confirms what I’ve been sitting before the Lord seeking an answer about. What should your post say but stop self reliance and completely turn it over to God. Omgoodness! Come on then Jehovah Jireh! Thank you!! I pray God bestows every good and perfect gift from above upon you and your hubby!

  13. Thank you so much for sharing your story. Just like you with confidence I know Daddy has tons me to leave my job. Though part of my is unsure as a single woman . But come January 2018 the obedience of a yes will kick all the way in with action.

  14. What a wonderful testimony. I don’t know you and yet I’m glad for how you’re allowing God to use you AND for being obedient in giving Him ALLLL the praise and honor due.

  15. Girl! Your faith never ceases to amaze me! I remember having lunch with you when you told me about the $500 check. I was like wow! God you are the ultimate provider. I’ve heard stories like that, but your testimony seemed so authentic and humbling. My “left my job experience” was different. He actually told me to go back, that I was running away from my calling out of fear. It wasn’t time for me to start a business or move out of the country, but to build my career in the States, because God is going to use it to liberate people. So, as much as, I didn’t like feeling like I failed at my big transition, I knew my joy was dependant on my obedience to Him. I’m glad I stayed! Because I met my now fiance the same month I planned on moving. God is so good!

    I pray that God continues to use you to bring His children closer to Him. I pray that your zeal will never decrease, but increase and continue to be infectious.

    Love you Rashida!

  16. I absolutely love this blog! I love that God is your source. I too left my Job in Feb 2018.
    I was so unhappy there and uncomfortable and I felt that God wanted me to move on but I dragged my feet. Long story short I had to resign for personal reasons and I was so worrisome heck even now I have to continue to trust God. I don’t know exactly where he is taking me but he has been providing for me; when my account is in the negatives someway some how $$ is sent and I mean at the RIGHT time. I’ll be worrying and the money would already in my account for like 2-3 days already lol. Lord you are amazing and I cannot and will not turn my back on you. You are my SOURCE and my guide. It’s not easy trusting and waiting but it is WORTH IT. God Bless You Rashida.

  17. Great post, very encouraging! I have started my faith journey and the Lord never ceases to amaze! For months I have felt the nudge to leave my job and have asked for confirmation over and over lol! I know this is required of me before the Lord reveals His next steps for me. I have to quit stalling- I have already seen what the Lord can do in my life. Thank you so much for the encouraging words!

  18. I just now came across this post byway of coming across your IG profile and I must say every little bit of what you wrote and the posts I checked on your Instagram were made for me. I felt an instant understanding and confidence boost to trust God more. Currently I’m going through a season of struggle and God is processing me. Sometimes I get weary then I’m on a ride of an emotional rollercoaster. All in all, trusting God while my account is running out of money is HARD but I’m grateful for this post as it motivates me to KEEP ON. Thank you! May God continue to bless you and use you as His vessel.

    Side note: I decided to take a leap of faith and start my own podcast which is called God Built This and I share my journey with Christ while going through everyday things in this world. God pushed me to start my podcast and I’m excited to see where this goes.

  19. Thank you so much for posting this!! My husband and I haven’t been feeling the “Holy Spirit Tug” on our hearts to quit our jobs… we have SOME idea as to what He May want us to do instead, but it’s unclear. We’ve been a bit fearful to take the leap, as it’s a bit of a scary thought to us to not have a guaranteed paycheck.

    However, we know that God will provide, as he had for us before, and we know deep in our hearts that this is what we’re supposed to do.

    Coming across this article was totally a God thing, we too have had Abraham on our minds, and the faith that He and his family had to simply trust God to lead them in everything.

    I have a few questions for you:
    -Was there any judgement from those around you about your husband not working, and if so, how did you overcome that?
    -Are you both still not working @ conventional jobs?
    -Did God give you any sort of direction or timeline? We don’t feel like we have that from Him, so that’s something that’s holding us back….

    1. Hi Celeste,

      Thank you for your comment! I pray that the Holy Spirit will continue to guide you and make things clear even if it feels scary. Now to your questions: Yes many many people judged us and many still do even after 3 years.It’s only now that people can see our success and would say things like, “I knew you would be successful”. Now I will say this, the first year was bliss, the second year felt like hell, and the third year we’re at peace. I have to do an updated video on our experience, being full time self-employed for 3 years, and still have a house and our cars. Nothing missing, nothing broken.

      We are both still working non-conventional jobs. I recently started working part time for premium paint company as a color expert, to get more practice at design and working with real customers. But I still run my social media content marketing company full time.

      And God actually gave me a date. January 12th! Keep me in mind, that his plan for you may be a little different. Your’s may not be a date, it may be “save 6000 first” or it may be something else. I felt very assured that he was telling me it was time to go. But it was also super scary. This path I was lead down is not something I would ever push someone to do, but if God told you to walk it’s rewarding. Even the bad times are rewarding. Our faith was really tested to the point where I thought God was not listening to me and then he showed up to save the day in a way that I could have never even prayed for. I will be praying for you, be encouraged Sis!

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