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All content posted on this website is original, unless otherwise noted. Proper credit will be plainly given to all original sources/materials. Content is curated by Rashida Banks and her dedicated team. All guest authors will be credited as such.
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All content on this website, including blog articles, images, videos, etc. are owned by Rashida Banks unless otherwise noted. Please feel free to share the content on this website, and be sure to provide a link back to the content. Ex. If sharing an image from a blog post, link back to the blog post.
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At times there will be affiliate links and other links that enable Rashida Banks to earn a commission fee for the product and/or service that you purchase using the link. By purchasing through these affiliate links, you directly support Rashida and other influencers like her, so thank you. All products and services recommended on this site have been given honest review and genuine thought by Rashida before being presented to you! Thank you so much for supporting.
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In today’s day and age, privacy is extremely important. Who we allow access to information, and what they do with it is something we should all take very seriously. RashidaBanks.com intends to be responsible with the handling of your personal information, by taking the right steps to ensure a secure website, information storage, transaction security, and the like. Privacy here is similar to many other websites that you visit.
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If you have any questions about the privacy policies on my site, feel free to message me, Loves. Email: Rashida@rashidabanks.com