What to expect on RashidaBanks.com…
Hey Loves, I’m Rashida
I’m your resource for easy and helpful home DIYs, products that I find super special, and plenty of design inspiration as I help you become designers of your own homes. Come journey with me as I reveal new projects, have fun with my hubby and dogs, share some personal moments, and of course…coffee tea! I hope you enjoy your visit and find some inspiration to live a better life.
Some fun facts about me…

How I started
On January 12, 2017, I left my comfortable federal government job to become a full-time social media influencer! I can’t lie y’all, it was scary. Very scary. Yet, I just knew it had to be done. I lived my whole life in the safe, good girl box. I graduated from both undergraduate and graduate school (go Terps!). I landed a good job, quickly making over six figures. Yet, I still didn’t feel like I’d accomplished anything. I discovered that God had put other passions and desires in me that I wanted needed to explore. So on 1/12/17 I left my cushy job to find out what life is like outside of the box that I’d told myself I had to live in. Sure, it may sound nuts that I left that behind! But, playing it safe, while I had this fire lit within me was not peaceful in the least bit. I felt like God wouldn’t leave me alone about it unless I took a leap of faith. I can hear him in my mind say:
I have so much in store for you, if you would only trust Me.
So, I decided to be obedient and take a leap toward a life of more fulfillment, which is helping women, like yourself, know that you have enough (that you are enough) and that living a beautiful life, simply and practically can be yours too. That leap came with so much reward, but also some challenges. When we ask for increase of faith, we get tests! And that’s exactly what I got.
In 2018, right around the time I made the switch from beauty to my true passion, interior design, my husband and I went through our toughest time yet. He’d actually left his job a few months before me to start his own business as well, and both of us were in a financial rut. So much so that we thought we were going to lose our house! God intervened in such a way that I still get chills about to this day. We never asked for money from anyone, but time and time again God sent people into our lives who gave us financial assistance. It was truly amazing to see Him provide through people! The cherry on top was when our mortgage went down to….guess how much! $5 for a whole year! We were able to get back on track financially, and came out with a stronger than ever faith and trust in God, which is exactly what we needed. I hope that is a reassurance for you, that whatever you may be facing, trust and obey God and you will be ok!
Since then, I have grown in the scope of my influencer marketing, working with amazing brands. Most importantly, I’m able to cultivate relationships with new people all the time, which is most rewarding. You guys truly keep me inspired and motivated, and without you I literally wouldn’t have a platform to earn a living, so THANK YOU!
When I’m not on Pinterest (Ha!), I’m enjoying time living in the nation’s capital with my husband and our two dogs. We bought our home in 2013, and have been making it our own ever since. It’s so fun to take you guys along with us! As of January 2022 I opened a design firm with a friend, called Four\Twelve Interiors (both of our birthdays is 4/12!), which I am super excited about. Other than that, you can fine me adding to my collection of coffee table books (shh, don’t tell the hubs!). Raise your hand if you have an obsessive coffee table book collection too!
Now that you know a little bit about me, if you ever want to share your journey, ask me a question, or just want to say hello, send me an email Rashida@rashidabanks.com. I would love to hear from you!
Before you go, one question…
Isn’t Jax such a cutie!?
And if you don’t want to go just yet…