My Morning Routine

What’s your morning routine like? Here’s a look at mine:


I have my first cup of tea around 8am and take my Stay Sharp supplement

I normally wake up between 7:30am or 8am. I recently started a 40 day prayer devotional with friends, so I make my first cup of herbal tea to just get my voice prepared for the call. I also take my Plant People Stay Sharp supplement! I can’t begin to describe how much focus these give me daily. I truly feel like a new person! So I make sure to take them as early as possible so that I’m better equipped for the day. (I love it so much I decided to partner with them, so I do earn a small commission if you purchase using my link. Thank you!)


At 8:30am I join a prayer call with friends

Right after I make my herbal tea, I grab my computer, the book, a pen, and my AirPods and head to the guest room. I take a few moments to glance over my notes for our devotional, then hop on Zoom for about 30-45min with the ladies. This book has been a blessing so far, and I’ve met some new people which is great!

Jasen and I have made an agreement to wear jeans working from home because we’re trying to lose weight, and the sweats can be too deceiving!


Around 9:15am I make a London Fog in my favorite CB2 mug

If you follow my stories, then you know I’m always posting my daily London Fog in my favorite mug. I use Tazo Earl Grey, and froth my milk using my Breville Barista Pro, and they also have an actual Frother as well. I make my tea and snap a photo for you! Then I sit either in the living room or our dining lounge and check Instagram. I’m not a morning person, so this time is primarily for me to collect my thoughts and prepare my mind for the day ahead.


After my tea I check in with Jasen and play with the pups

By this time Jasen has made some type of food, like turkey bacon and eggs. I grab some food, chat casually with him and we then go over what we have planned for the day, whether it’s content production/planning, answering emails, pitching, etc. Then I go bother the dogs ha. Can you tell Chase loves it?


Around 10am I typically will get dressed for the day

Depending on my plans for the day, I’ll go freshen up and either dress to go out or stay in the house. Even though I work from home as a content creator, I try to make sure I’m still dressing some type of way (most of the time ha). How we look can really impact how we perform, and I want to be productive! If I have content to shoot, I’ll try a few different outfits on to see what’s best. If not, Jasen and I have an agreement that we are going to wear jeans even when we’re working from home, because the sweats have deceived us! Jeans will let you know whether you’re gaining weight or not, and ya girl is on a mission to lose some pounds!

This is a typical morning for me! After I’m dressed I get right into the day’s agenda. Having a daily routine can be a really healthy way to establish good habits and start the day right. We all have different schedules and are wired differently, so make sure you find what works for YOU. What’s one thing you do in your morning routine? I’d love to hear from you! Until next time love… – Rashida

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